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Dream Rules


Unlike the Warrior Code (posted below), there ARE OOC consequences for any rules you break on the Dream Rules list. Depending on the severity of the offense, you may be warned, ejected, temporarily or permanently banned.
* This dream reserves the right to change, add to, or remove these rules at any time, with no posted notice.

* You must follow Furcadia's User Agreement. Failure to comply will result in immediate banishment.

* Respect the staff members and their decisions, and do not argue with them.

* Respect your fellow roleplayers. Try to settle disputes peacefully by yourselves before calling staff.

* To roleplay in the dream, you must apply on the forums. Until staff members approve you, you cannot roleplay or enter the IC area, as you need staff approval in order to become officially a member. As some Clans are more populated than others, there may be restrictions on which clans are open for applications.

* Put OOC comments in [brackets] when you are in the IC area. Put OOC chatter in /whispers or -shouts. The shout channel may be used as an OOC conversation line, and will appear as yellow text on your screen to help differentiate between the shouts and normal text. Do not chit-chat OOCly in the IC area.

* Please do not use the same character/alt here that you use for all the other Warriors dreams you play in. This helps prevent confusion between continuities and events. If at all possible, limit your alt to being used in one, maybe two dreams at most - it keeps things much less complicated.

* Do not use chatspeak (u, ur, b/c, etc.) in your posts or description.

* Please limit your use of chatspeak in the OOC areas. 

* You may curse, but try to keep it to a minimum. If someone asks you to stop, don't curse around that person at all. Staff will enforce this if requested.

* Keep anything higher than a PG-13 rating IN WHISPERS or off-Furcadia DMs. We don't want to see your intimate conversations.

* Elitism, also known as "wolfspeak" or "thesaurus speak," is not permitted anywhere in the dream, including descriptions. "Wolfspeak" is a manner of "roleplay" in which "fancy-sounding" words are used in place of more common words, often incorrectly. (Common examples of wolfspeak words are "auds," "optics," "orbs," "femme," "brute," "caudal," etc.)

* It is not permitted to summon a non-member or the OOC alt of a registered member into the IC area. Only registered IC characters are permitted in the IC area, and summoning others will result in suspension and/or banishment.


General Character Rules

* Place your Clan, Clan Name (if applicable or different from your login name), and rank in your description. Example: [StormClan Warrior]

* All characters created must fit the Coloration and Naming rules. You can find the appropriate pages on the navbar above.

* A full description of your character is not required, although it is nice to have and highly encouraged. If you choose not to write a description, however, it is asked that you write at least one basic sentence, as is done in the Warriors books (example: Pale gray she-cat with green eyes), and that you describe your character to some extent in your posts, so that the other roleplayers are not confused and so that they do not accidentally offend you for something they did not know.

* Unusual character origin stories (meaning most histories beyond being born into the clan they currently reside in) should be included in your character's application to ensure it will fit the continuity, not added or changed after your application is approved. Staff must approve of any backstory changes. In applicable cases, after OOC staff approval the Clan leader may ICly deny outsiders entry, or require that they first prove themselves to the clan in order to join.

* Non-cat and wildlife species are highly restricted and require a separate application. Your character must be a domestic cat unless you have received prior approval from the staff.

* Purebred cats are highly restricted. Your character may not be purebred, hybrid, or an identifiable crossbreed unless you have received prior approval from the staff. See the Colors page for more in-depth information on what colors/'breeds' are and are not accepted here.

* Unless your character is a former kittypet, it may not wear accessories. Accessories not requiring staff approval are limited to collars, bandanas, pet ID tags, etc.

* The majority of accepted kittypets must be spayed (for females) and neutered (for males), just as it would be in reality. Intact kittypets are allowed by approval only.

*Pedigree cats are permitted for kittypets ONLY, but must be spayed/neutered and unable to breed. Most "rare", new, or uncommon breeds of cat (Like the Toyger, Cheetoh, Sphynx, Rexes, American Curl, Egyptian Mau, Ragamuffin, Japanese and American Bobtails, etc) will not be accepted; a cat which costs thousands of dollars is not likely to be allowed outdoors.

* Magical abilities, mutations, etc, are not permitted with the exception of polydactyl ("extra toed cats"). Mutations such as male tortoiseshells, albinos, and the like are results of genetic abnormalities, and cats born with those and similar conditions would not survive in the wild.

* Blue eyes in non-white cats (i.e. solids, tabbies, and bicolors) are very uncommon, and if seen, are generally in very light colored cats or in bicolors. When creating a character, please consider that blue eyes are uncommon, and honor the eye-color of the cat in the reference photo(s) you provide for your character.

General Name Rules

* Try to get your IC Clan name as your log-in name, so that users can easily identify who the character is and what to call them. If you can't get the name you want, try to find something similar - like Speckledfoot or xSpecklefoot.

* Do not use numbers, smiles/icons, or symbols in your login name

* The only acceptable addons to a name are one (or two, at most) x's before or after the name, or a period.
Examples: xBlackpaw, Fernfrost x , xStormpeltx

* All names must follow the naming protocol - see the "Names" page for more in-depth rules on naming your character

* Final say on whether a name is acceptable in the dream's canon or not is up to the discretion of staff members.

Roleplay Rules


* Unless all players present have agreed otherwise, posts should follow an organized turn order when possible. Players may skip their turn or join in at their discretion except in the instance of a fight scene (see "Fighting" below).

* If you see someone at a lower roleplaying experience level than you and your companions, please try to build them up rather than looking down on them. Try to incorporate the newcomer into your group, and share your knowledge. Teach the person what he/she is doing wrong, and help him/her to correct it. Don't shun people or insult them.

* Keep in mind that the Warriors books take place somewhere in Britain. Some animals are not native to that area, and so the cats would not know of such creatures. These include large/wild cats outside of Clan cat folklore, such as pumas (cougars), cheetahs, servals, etc. as well as various other species like giraffes, wolves, and hyenas.
* IC and OOC are VERY SEPARATE. This means that you should not hold a grudge against a player because his/her character did something to your character. It also means that you are not your character. In example, YOU did not go hunting; your character did - so don't say something like [I went hunting] as an OOC comment, unless YOU went out with your gun and shot a squirrel for some reason.

* You cannot change Clans without a valid IC reason. All IC reasons must be approved by the staff BEFORE you roleplay the clan change.

* Once your character is dead, he/she is dead and part of StarClan. StarClan may NOT walk among the living, and they may NOT return to life. Only leaders have multiple lives, and they are limited to nine (9).

* OOC knowledge cannot be used ICly. As an example, if someone whispers you that their character is under attack, you cannot immediately rush to his/her aid because your character was not told ICly that the person's character is being attacked. If another character were to escape the fight to inform your character of the events, your character would then be allowed to go and help.

* If a major decision must be made on behalf of the Clan (for example, an alliance or discussions taking place upon the removal thereof), it should be arranged for the leader to be present (whether immediately or on a later date) if at all possible. If it is not possible, the deputy may act on the leader's behalf. If that isn't possible, the medicine cat may stand in, and after him/her, the most senior warrior.

* Major plot points require prior approval from staff. This includes things like invading or taking over a clan, visions from StarClan, prophecies, etc.

* Small retcons consisting of a single action to preserve continuity are permissible (in example, Foxtail starts eating a fish the player forgot she dropped in an earlier interaction, and the fish is not actually there -- the player may rescind the action of eating the non-existant fish.). Retconning a past or ongoing scene ("starting over") is not permitted unless agreed to by ALL present parties, or when approved by staff in order to preserve the continuity at a larger scale.



* If you don't want IC trouble/fighting, do not go to a Clan's camp/territory unless your character is part of that Clan or has been invited there. A raid or attempt to take over a Clan, or to do any major harm to a Clan in any way, may not be attempted by one or more cats unless five or more WARRIOR characters are present and active IC on BOTH sides. Kits do not count towards this number, and two apprentices may count for one warrior. Large-scale invasions with potentially significant continuity consequences must receive prior OOC approval from staff and the clan leader.

* There is to be NO auto-hitting or powerplay in an IC fight. This means that you may "attempt to scratch Bill very deeply," but you may not "scratch Bill very deeply." Violation of this rule will result in the retcon of the fight and all injuries caused during it. You may dodge, but try to go by the "Dodge, Dodge, Hit" rule - For every three attacks, allow at least one to hit.

* Death is permitted with player consent. However, please be reasonable. If you do not want your character to die, do not wait until it has just had its throat ripped out to announce that. If you know your character is outclassed and you don't want your character to die, run from the fight. Running IS NOT a rule break as long as the escape is written out.

* A person is allowed to run from an attack and therefore dodge all of the original post's attacks in the process. The character may be pursued, however, if the player does not argue against being chased - but if the person says that he/she isn't going to fight, don't try to force him/her into it.

* You may not whisper/summon other players for help, or bring in an alt to assist your character.

* Other players who have been alerted ICly are allowed to be brought to help. Ex: Alderpaw, Smokefoot, and Foxtail are attacked by Talon, Wind, and Birch. Foxtail sends Alderpaw back to camp and fetch reinforcements in the form of Blackpaw and Mousenose.

* If someone happens to walk in upon a fight and wishes to help one side or the other, it is allowed, unless some prior agreement has been made by those currently fighting. However, if it is discovered that the newcomer was tipped OOCly on where/when to find the fight, the results will become void and the fight will have never taken place ICly.

* If your character comes across a fight, or is called to aid in a fight, you must roleplay out being asked to help (if necessary), and then upon arriving at the fight scene you must post your arrival. You MAY NOT ATTACK on your first post. After all members of the group have posted once (after your initial post), you may enter the fight.

* Continued fights are NOT allowed. If you have to leave in the middle of the fight, it is considered dodging and running from the fight (but there can be no IC consequences for running if it is beyond the player's control). If the two characters wish to start a NEW fight on a later date, that's fine, but you may not 'pick up' where you 'left off.' Try to come to an agreement about the outcome of the fight before leaving. This is to help prevent characters from being left "in limbo" while waiting for the results of an interaction to play out. This helps keep the timeline organized for you and other player.

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