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Here you can find the command features of the dream and how to use them.

Our dream's command prefix is !

Dream Commands

General Commands

stats - Gets Dreamstats

commands - Lists basic commands

site - List website URL

discord - Discord URL

forums - Forums URL

rules - Rules page link

credits - Dreamweaving credits

clans - Clan info and links

leaders - Lists leader names/clans

affiliates - Lists affiliated dreams/sites



setlocal - Allows you to set a local species to automatically load each visit


  •       skp - Set kittypet

  •       slhk - Set longhaired kit

  •       sbca - Set bicolor apprentice

  •       sta - Set tabby apprentice

  •       sca - Set calico apprentice

  •       snl - Set no localspecies

kittypet - Kittypet

lhk - Longhaired Kit

bca - Bicolor apprentice

ta - Tabby apprentice

ca - Calico apprentice

back - Change back to default species

fox - Staff only

badger - Staff only

dog - Large dog

pup - Small dog



pounces - Attack a prey item. Rolls dice to kill prey for some species.

digs - Dig up buried prey you are standing on

buries - Bury prey you are standing on

eats - Eats prey you are standing on

chews, digs, gathers, picks, shakes - Herb gathering commands. Must be standing on herb.

uses - Use the herb you are holding

various descriptions of removing a kittypet's collar - Changes the species of the person in front of the clan cat/the person emoting

various descriptions of drinking moonpool water - Makes StarClan appear

wake - StarClan disappears


XClan - Replace "X" with clan name. Warps to camp.

Fourtrees - Warp to Fourtrees

IC - Warp to IC area

MOOC - Warp to members-only OOC

TwolegPlace/Twoleg Place - Warp to the Twoleg Place

OOC - Go to general OOC area

Moonpool, Mothermouth - Moonpool area

Member Commands


Xcfk - Replace "X" with the clan's first initial. Shows contents of the freshkill pile if you are standing on it.

Squirrel, mouse, fish, rabbit, woodpigeon, warbler, chaffinch, rat - Removes the selected species of freshkill if you are standing at the pile

borage, poppy, etc - Remove an herb from the herb pile if you are standing on it

info - Get information about the item you are standing on or carrying. Currently only herbs implemented.

pass - Generates a pass with access to the members only area, to be shared with a friend. Members are responsible for any problems their guests cause.

F3/"use" button - Lay a scent trail if you are not standing on an object

carry - Limited functionality, may cause glitches on the user's screen. Prey carrying system.

bundle - Not yet functional. Similar to prey-carry system, but for herbs.

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